With the arrival of the new year, I’ve been feeling the need to make some changes in my business life. At the present time, I have a load of blogs on a lot of topics that I try to work on and keep up. Unfortunately, trying to keep up so many (even after letting some go over time) has proven still to be too much.
There’s a lot of things I’m interested in, which is why I ended up with so many sites. But it’s just too much, and I’ve been spreading myself too thin for way too long.
[bctt tweet=”Faith Branded – A Faith-Based Lifestyle Blog ” username=”FaithBranded”]
I’ve decided that I will be letting go about 95% of my sites and focusing instead on one main blog (this one) and about 6 others. That will save me a load of money on domains and allow me to actually build this blog up the way I want to.
And so, I’ve decided that Faith Branded will be a faith-based lifestyle blog. That means I’ll be posting various things to this blog – things like recipes, shopping, product reviews, inspirations posts, health stuff, relationship stuff, making money online, frugal living, home living, pet stuff, my graphic design work, my writing and/or books, etc…. just whatever.
Also, I’ve been wanting to launch my Faith Branded line and this will allow me a lot more time to get the designs completed. I’ll post more about that when I’m ready to launch. Fun stuff!
I’m so looking forward to this new adventure and seeing where this new journey takes me. It’ll be fun and exciting! 🙂